Providing Health & Wellness Services
in the Butte community and surrounding areas
Butte Native Wellness Center (BNWC) is the newest Urban Indian Health Care Clinic to serve Butte and the surrounding areas. Our goal is to provide competent, effective and professional care to American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) in a culturally relevant setting.
Urban Indian Health Programs (UIHPs) have a long history in Montana and BNWC is one of 41 located throughout the United States and is incorporated as a non-profit 501 (c)(3) community-based organization. The purpose of the urban Indian health centers is to make outpatient health services accessible to urban Indians directly or through referral. Our focus is on AI/AN who are living in our service area who want access to quality primary, mental health or substance use recovery services. BNWC is a welcoming place for people to come together as Indian people to practice and preserve their culture.
Our mission is to empower our community by providing high-quality healthcare that honors ancestral wisdom, culture, and tradition.
Our vision
BNWC strives to provide inclusive, quality, patient-centered care that embraces traditional wisdom and modern evidence-based healthcare practices.

Butte-Silver Bow Health Department
Sharing services and resources for American Indian and Alaska Natives including primary care, reproductive healthcare, immunizations, nutrition services, chronic disease prevention.
Butte Continuum of Care
Partnership with members of the service community in Butte Silver Bow to increase access to housing for people experiencing homelessness in our area.
Southwest Montana Community Health Center
Partnership to increase access and utilization of SWMCHC’s Substance Use Disorder treatment programs while providing culturally relevant services to AI/AN peoples.
Montana Consortium of Urban Indian Health
Partnering as part of a consortium of five Urban Indian Clinics in Montana, All Nations in Missoula, Helena Indian Alliance, Indian Family Health Clinic in Great Falls, and the Billings Urban Indian Health and Wellness Center to increase access and services and advocate on behalf of those AI/AN who live in urban settings.
Action Inc.
Partnering to expand the capacity of both organizations to link people to mainstream resources, housing opportunities, system navigation and coordinated care.
Montana Tech’s American Indian Achievement Team is working with BNWC to provide access to wellness programs, create special events and provide education on evidence-based practices like Harm Reduction, Suicide Prevention and The Opioid Response.